Important Facts About Amyloidosis In Cats That You Need To Know


Amyloidosis in cats –a condition that belongs to the group of conditions, all share a common feature –the abnormal and pathologic deposition of fibrous protein amyloid in various tissues of the body, hence disrupting the normal function of the areas. The buildup of amyloid frequently occurs tributary to a causal lympho-proliferative or inflammatory disorder. In this article, we will discuss some more interesting facts about amyloidosis in cats including its causes, symptoms, prognosis, and treatments. Read on to learn about these and more!

What is Amyloidosis in Cats?

Even though amyloidosis has different renowned causes, this feline condition is very well known as a marital trait in the Abyssinian and Siamese cat breeds. A large number of Siamese oriental cat breeds have already been reported to contract amyloidosis, which affect the liver, wherein Amyloidosis also affect the kidneys of the Abyssinian oriental cat breeds.

Moreover, cat frequently develop this protein condition in between 1-5 years old, yet the development of the condition may come on speedily or may progress over years. Also, the mode of amyloidosis inheritance is not known, hence it’s suggested that the affected cats be detached from any breeding practices.

In addition, amyloidosis is actually the term that is used in describing the abnormal deposit of protein complex or amyloid in the tissues or organs of a cat. This amyloid deposits may disrupt the organ function of the cat that leads to the failure of the said organ, as well as eventual death. The amyloidosis is categorized based on the kind of amyloid protein that is involved, with the AL amyloids and AA amyloids being the most typical in amyloidosis disease in cats. What’s more, the AA amyloids tend to deposit in the spleen, liver, and kidneys, thus resulting in cancer, inflammatory disease, or chronic bacterial infections. On the other hand, the AL amyloids tend to deposit in the nerve tissues and joints of a cat, thus causing neurological damage.


Amyloidosis in cats is a condition that is due to complex, misfolded proteins or amyloids. Which can’t go into the body. Further, the abnormal structure of protein is thought to be a result of the abnormal mutation of gene, a genetic condition existent in the bloodline of the feline family trees. Also, the nature of this genetic mutation and inheritance is not in the books yet.

The Abyssinian and Siamese cat breeds have a high vulnerability to the condition, even though this condition is somewhat rare. Some more factors, which might play in the role of developing this condition are environment where the cat lives, as well as different infectious diseases.


The symptoms of amyloidosis in cats are actually in relation to the progressive internal organ damage. the amyloid proteins are complex, misfold protein –that means that they are hard for the body to break down and use like some other proteins in the body. Also, over a period, the proteins deposited accumulate, displacing the normal organ tissues and upsetting the imperiled vital function of an organ. Further, the organ tends to enlarge, inflame and gets damages, thus resulting to deadly organ failure.

The symptoms of amyloidosis in cats include the following:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weakness
  • Depression
  • Dehydration
  • Poor hair coat
  • Polydipsia
  • Polyuria
  • Lethargy
  • Anorexia
  • Weight loss
  • Liver amyloid accumulation
  • Kidney amyloid buildup


Amyloidosis in cats is hard to differentiate from some other cat conditions. Organ infections, failure as well as disease of the spleen, kidneys, and liver organs may all imitate the clinical symptoms that come with amyloidosis. Additionally, amyloidosis is rare in vet medicine and is lesser likely to be a cause of cat’s condition, rather than common organ conditions that commonly affect the cats.

Nevertheless, amyloidosis might also be suspected by the vet if the cat has been suffering from chronic infection. In addition, the mainstream of cats, which are admitted to the vet clinic are showing clinical indications. This just means that the amyloid protein deposits have caused austere damage already to the organ of the cat.

Clinical indications will soon become fatal and the vet will then make a prognosis post-mortem. A biopsy may help in revealing amyloid protein deposits in the affected organs being a confirmative prognosis.

Treatment for Amyloidosis in Cats

There is actually no known cause of the condition in cats, or some other species. Further, there are no medication that’s effective in allowing the body of the cat to breakdown or absorb the mutate, complex amyloid proteins, in order to prevent organ deposit accumulation. There’s also no real prevention method for it, yet as the infection and environmental factors are a probable cause, overall healthy cats may be less possible to develop the fatal condition. Each cat patients should have their own special diet only for them, in order to suit their organ function.


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