Feline Urological Syndrome: Facts You Need To Know About It


The urinary tract illnesses are the most mutual reason that your cat may need to pay a visit to the vet, with the omission of routine shots and checkups. The most stern urinary syndrome is the Feline Urological Syndrome. This is sometimes called the Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease. Even though the rigorous basis of FUS isn’t entirely understood, it covers four common conditions:

  • Uremia: Buildup toxins in the cat’s bloodstream when the wastes are prevented from being eradicated because of the blocked urethra.
  • Urethral Blockage: The crystallization of mineral deposits in the gall bladder may bung up to the urethra, which may lead to obstruction of the urinary discharge. This one is a serious condition and needs emergency attention.
  • Infections: Mucous or blood in the inflamed urinary tissues indicate bacterial infections.
  • Cystitis: The inflammation of the wall and lining of the bladder.

The most stern of the symptoms of the cat medical condition is triggered when the trifling crystals, which are fabricated of magnesium and calcium. Intermittently, these stone and crystals will go deep from the gall bladder up to the urethra. The urethra is the trivial tube, which the urine permits on the way outside the cat. In case the urethra is congested, the circumstance may be critical so quickly/ when left without any treatment, a cat with an obstructed urethra that is not able to urinate may die within the next 48 hours. In case you own a cat that shows an indication of excruciating urination or a blood in urine, the pet must be transmitted to the clinic for some examinations immediately.

Feline Urological Syndrome: The Symptoms

  • Enlarged or overly firm abdomen
  • Straining or crying while wanting to urinate
  • Blood in the urine
  • Any abdominal urinary habits
  • Urination outside the litter box

The FUS is so serious cat health condition. There’s no immunization, which may prevent this condition, yet diet and having the knowledge on the proper kind of food to offer is a great first step to the urinary health of the cat. If the cat is susceptible to this condition, it’ll probably begin to show some of the first-ever signs by three years old.

What can you do when the cat’s been detected with the FUS, in order to maintain the long-term steadiness? There are variety of commercial cat food that is canned, which may inhibit the Struvite crystals formation, which may lead to the blockage. There are some veterinarians that say, canned foods are a much better inhibition than the dry, even though this point’s still inspected.

What’s known is -the greater consumption of water is essential towards the prevention of the blockage and crystal formation. A lot of foods, which indorse urinary health has a greater salt content so the cat will need to drink more and more water. Furthermore, the weighty cats are at much higher risk for the FUS. Hence, keeping the cat on a condensed calorie diet may be a significant preventive measure too.

Treatment for Feline Urological Syndrome

If the cat has different indications of FUS, it’ll always be deliberated as a health emergency. An entirely blocked urethra may lead to demise in as few as 2 days. At the vet visit, the succeeding steps must be taken:

  • Chronic urinary impediment in the male cats might need surgery to broaden the opening of the urethra. This particular procedure is called as the perineal urethrrostomy, and while it’ll not avert the reoccurrence of the crystals in the cats that are susceptible to FUS. It is essential in lessening the possibility of a deadly blockage.
  • The oral urinary acidifiers are frequently prescribed in maintaining the cat’s urinary health. Furthermore, the formation of crystals is less possible in forming in the urine, which is way more acidic and more probable to develop in the urine, which has a high alkaline level. The cat owners may use the pH level sticks to examine the urine in the cat urine box, in order to observe the levels for the cats that have displayed FUS.
  • Antibiotics to kill whichever bacteria that might have made in the bladder. This is called cystitis, which is a bacterial infection in the gall bladder is often prominent in the cats with FUS.
  • The catheterization to get rid of the crystals and stones, which cause the blockage so that the urine may flow again.

Fast Facts for Feline Urological Syndrome

  • Providing a diet, which promotes acidic urine is essential in reducing the urinary crystals.
  • Drinking a lot of water helps in preventing the formation of FUS and crystals.
  • Some veterinarians note that the feline urinary syndrome may occur more frequently in the late winter and early spring. A philosophy for this is -the cats might consume lesser water on the much cooler months.
  • While the FUS may be found in both genders, it is more common in males than in females.


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