Facts About Cat Acne: Things You Need To Learn About It


Does your cat has blackheads or pimples on its face, mouth, or some other parts of its body? This might sound a bit weird, but this is real. Cat acne is a thing –and your cat do not need to be teenager just to experience these. Feline or cat acne is actually a common skin condition in felines. It may appear at any age and any gender. Furthermore, these may wane or wax or be stubbornly hard to cure. The signs may range from hardly noticeable blackheads to austerely inflamed pustules. There are some cats that are not bothered at all, while the others find this acne so painful and itchy. Read on through this article and get to learn more about it.

Facts about Cat Acne: First, what is this?

Cat or feline acne is actually the most common name for an idiopathic disorder. Moreover, the term idiopathic denotes that we are not really knowledgeable about it occurring. Histologically, cat acne is known as the follicular keratosis. Furthermore, this particular condition is actually common in all cats and may happen on any breed at any age.

Moreover, the cat acne is most common to appear on the chin or all over the mouth area. However, it may also appear anywhere in the body. Looking like small bumps, it looks a lot similar to that of the whiteheads and blackheads, which we humans can get. Some cats actually have a single breakout, while the others have recurrent symptoms.

Furthermore, in the case where the condition is austere, you might notice hair loss, nodules, bleeding scabs, or redness. Moreover, if your cat licks or scratches the area, a bacterial infection may develop as well. Further, for this particular reason, it is vital to remember that you must not squeeze, remove, or pick at your cat’s acne.

Causes of Cat Acne

One of the most important facts about cat acne that you need to know is what causes it –really. There are actually known cause of this condition in cats, however, there are some possible contributing factors, these include:

  • Simultaneous infection or disease
  • Inhibited immune system
  • Dermatitis or contract sensitivity
  • Abnormal sebum production
  • Bacterial overload
  • Poor grooming
  • Stress

Moreover, actually plastic bowls were considered once as a potential culprit for causing cat acne.  However, it is now quite clear that the bacterial levels in the bowl are what causes the real problem. Moreover, using ceramic, metal, or glass bowls may be beneficial. Furthermore, it is also important to wash the bowls frequently.

In addition, you might also want to raise your cat’s water and food bowls. This is for their chin not to get in contact with whatever bacteria lives in the bowl.

Furthermore, just like us humans, cats may develop acne because of allergies. Differ your cat’s treats and foods, in order to ensure that there is not an ingredient in them that may cause allergic reaction. You would also like to notice some other allergic signs if this is the case.

Symptoms of Cat Acne

Feline or cat acne is a cosmetic disease in cats, yet it commonly requires a lifelong ongoing symptomatic treatment. This is in order to keep the condition under control. Most of the time, there are only blackheads on the lower lip, chin, and on the upper lip. Furthermore, there is a probability that pustules might form when the secondary infection is already present. In some severe cases, the skin all over the chin may become so edematous and thick. Moreover, it may also be scarred from the repeated treatments and infection.

Moreover, you must not confuse acne with some other diseases like eosinophilic granuloma complex, Malassezia dermatitis, contact dermatitis, ringworm, or mange. It is very significant to rule all of these out with some appropriate testing by a vet.

Diagnosis of Cat Acne

A lot of times, the diagnosis of cat acne is done by your vet. Your veterinarian will want to rule out all the other possibilities. This includes bacterial and fungal infections, mites, or fleas, as well as assess the general overall health status of your cat. Moreover, various testing methods including bacterial and fungal cultures and skin scrapings may take place.

In various severe cases, wherein the skin gets sore and red, a biopsy may be done. This particular condition may mimic some other serious conditions, which must be ruled out. All of these conditions must be ruled out before starting whatever treatment.

Treatments for Cat Acne

Of course, the most important among all that you can learn about the facts about cat acne are the possible treatments for the condition.

Mild cases of the cat acne may be treated with the use of medicated shampoos or human acne pads. In case the area is infected, the treatment will involve systematic antibiotics for about 2-6 weeks.

For the pustules, you can use a tea bad or warm water compress. This will help in soothing and healing the acne. Further, you may also cleanse it using an antibiotic soap, diluted Epsom salt, topical vitamin A, diluted iodine, and hydrogen peroxide. In much more sever cases, you can cleanse your cat’s skin using a gel or an ointment containing benzoyl peroxide or chlorhexidine. In order to restrain dermatitis issues, you may switch from aplastic bowl to a ceramic, glass, or metal ones.

Remember this, never use human medications of products on your pets. You need to check with your vet first before doing anything on your own. Your pet may be in danger if you use any human products without proper cautions.


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