UTI In Cats: Facts You Need To Learn About It


Urinary tract infection or UTI in cats is actually a big deal. In the actual fact, it is one of the most common reasons why cats are being abandoned to various animal shelters. Furthermore, sometimes, these cats are euthanized afterwards in case they  can not be rehomed. Luckily, there are a lot of nutritional and medical advances that are made to help in resolving the cat’s urinary tract infection. Give this article a read and get to learn more about this.

UTI in Cats: What is this?

The urinary tract infection that affects cats is the Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease or FLUTD. Moreover, this is one of the most infuriating syndromes in the field of veterinary medicine. In general, cats suffer from irrepressible urination, as well as recurrent trips into the litter box. Furthermore, in worse cases, the urethra may become entirely obstructed. If pet owners leave this without doing any treatments, it may result to painful death.

Even though some cats show infection, stones, or urinary crystals, the mainstream of the cases actually don’t have a freely identifiable cause. Furthermore, stress is often thought to cause the condition in many cases. Moreover, this causes a painful syndrome, the same as the interstitial cystitis, which happens in people. Irrespective to the cause, quick veterinary care is the key to an optimistic outcome. Additionally, all the cat parents must be well aware of the different signs of urinary tract infection. This is for them to be evaluated easily when the different symptoms take place.

Cats’ Urinary Tract Problems: Symptoms

The UTI in cats, in its much milder forms, cause  the cats to make recurrent trips to the litter box. Thus, typically passing small quantity of urine. Furthermore, the cat parents may notice a blood stain in the urine. There are some cats that start to relive themselves in various areas outside the litter box. Specifically when they start to associate the litter box with the pain they feel.

Moreover, in various cases, typically the young, female adult cats, their urethra might become wrought. It may have stones, crystals, or a plug of mucous and cells. Furthermore, if this case happens, the cat can’t urinate at all, and might become gradually frantic. Additionally, the cat parents often misconstrue straining on the litter box for the constipation. As well as to observe the situation. Not being able to realize that their pet is actually experiencing a lethal emergency. Moreover, in the most severe stage of the condition, the cat might become   unresponsive and depressed. In addition, the worse that may happen is for the cat to die.

Cats’ Urinary Tract Problems: Diagnosis

Examination by a vet is necessary in determining whether or not a cat is suffering from lower urinary tract infection. Furthermore, your vet may also recommend the following tests:

  • In austerely sick cats, most especially those with full impediments. The blood work is essential as the patient might have fatal electrolyte imbalances.
  • X-rays are shown, in order to assess the urinary tract for the presence of stones. This may show up on the x-rays as white dots. Furthermore, in approximately 10 to 20% of the cases, the urinary stones are present. Additionally, this particular condition is what they call urolithiasis.
  • Urinalysis  is beneficial in determining the presence of infectious agents, blood, and crystals. Further, a lot of cat parents are actually surprised to ascertain that below 5% actually show active UTI in cats. Furthermore, most of the cases are spotlessly clean.
  • In the cases wherein the urethra is blocked, a huge, painful bladder might be palpated.

Cats’ Urinary Tract Problems: Prognosis

For the cats that does not present any obstruction, the prediction will be fair to good. Furthermore, in the unfussy cases, typically, it resolves in 5 to 7 days. This is even though a lot of cats experience a relapse within a year. Proper environmental management may be so essential in eliminating or reducing these situations.

Moreover, the long term prediction of the cats who show symptoms of obstruction actually depends. It varies on their own health at the moment of presentation. Moreover, austerely sick cats might have heart arrhythmias because of the high levels of potassium that goes in the blood. Furthermore, a lot of cats are prone to the relapses. Therefore, cat parents need to be so vigilant with cats who already have a history of obstructions. As well as bring them in, even at the first sign of the condition.

Cats’ Urinary Tract Problems: Treatments

Felines who have obstructions need immediate hospitalization.

The bladder of the cat expands, commonly by performing a cystocentesis. This is via the abdominal wall, as well as removing urine using a needle. Furthermore, often with anesthesia, the vet might need to place a catheter to relieve the obstruction of the urethra.  Additionally, these cats might require days of hospitalization, varying on the sternness of the signs.

Cats with stones of crystals.

This requires a much longer dietary medication. Furthermore, long medication is essential in keeping the urine pH level at right levels. Moreover, the large stones might need to be surgically removed.

For cats who show no infections, crystals, or stones.

If the cat does not show any of these in their urine, the emphasis is on the pain alleviation. Furthermore, you may use recommended medications and provide a stress reduction in order to reduce the chance of relapse.

In case a cat suffers multiple relapses of obstruction, the vet may suggest a perineal urethrostomy. This will widen the urethra, as well as prevent any further blockade. However, the underlying roots of inflammation are still there.


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