The early detection and prevention are the keys to the good pet health. The more that you are aware of the most common cat conditions and symptoms, the better it is for you to respond to the cat health problems before they become deadly. In this article, we will do a rundown on the five of the most common cat health problems, as well as how to detect them. So if you want to learn more about these and more –feel free to give this article a read.
5 Most Common Cat Health Problems
FLUTDs or Feline Lower Urinary Tract Diseases
The feline lower urinary tract disease is actually an umbrella term for several conditions affecting the cat bladder and the urethra, this includes the Feline Idiopathic Cystitis, urethral obstruction, and urinary stones.

The cats with FLUTDs commonly exhibits some indications of pain and difficulty in urinating and urinate often. Furthermore, blood is also often observed in their urine. the affected cats may also lick their genital areas more excessively, and may often urinate outside of the litter box.
Moreover, the FLUTD is actually most common in the overweight, middle-aged cats that use indoor litter box, have constrained access outside the house, and eat dry foods. Giving them clean, fresh water supply may help in increasing the water consumption, that helps in keeping the FLUTDs distant.
Even though no one really knows the reason why, stress might seem to be a significant factor in the FIC or feline idiopathic cystitis development. In case the cat has experienced FIC in the past, you need to be vigilant for the symptoms during the period of stress. This includes the household moves, as well as the addition of new pets at home.
Moreover, the FLUTD is one of the most common cat health problems, which may be deadly if not treated within the next 24 hours. This is the reason why it is so important to have an immediate vet attention when the symptoms are already present.
Various recent studies show that over 40%-50% of cats are overweight. Cat obesity is most commonly the result of free-feeding, sedentary lifestyle, and high-carbohydrate dry foods. Furthermore, the neutered and spayed cats are more vulnerable, due to their lower calorie needs.
Based on the study of the Winn Feline Foundation, the obese cats are actually four times more possible to develop diabetes, twice as probable to suffer some non-allergic skin illnesses, as well as at risk for the liver condition –hepatic lipidosis.
Moreover, the canned cat food is usually a better choice for a cat diet, especially for a cat who is getting a bit pudgy, and senior formulas have much fewer calories. In case the cat will just eat dry food, select the one that’s high in protein content and low in carbohydrates, as well as feed measured amounts day and night, rather than leaving the 24-hour batter open. Increasing its energy output via everyday play sessions, which include many running and jumping.
In case the cat is obese already, you can consult your vet with some weight loss program. Remember, a lot of the most common cat health problems are in relation, directly or indirectly, to obesity. Therefore, keeping the cat trim may help in ensuring the better overall health.
The cat hyperthyroidism is actually the most common among all the cat endocrine conditions. It happens when the thyroid gland tends to produce excessive amount of thyroid hormone. This commonly happen in the senior cats.
Moreover, the symptoms include the increase in appetite, unexplained weight loss, a dull coat, weakness, lethargy, vomiting, and increase in urine and thirst output. It is so important to see the vet in case these symptoms are present as the condition places excessive stress on the heart, as well as some other organs when it is left without any treatment.
There are 3 different treatments to which most of the cats respond to so well. These include:
- Radioiodine treatment
- A surgery
- Methimazole
Among these three, the most effective is the ramdioiodine treatment. it is a non-invasive treatment and helps about 95% of the cats to go back to their normal thyroid function without further medication or treatment needed.

The parasites are one of the most common health problems in cats, commonly in the form of ticks and fleas. The flea infestations may result in the tapeworms and may cause anemia. The ticks may also cause anemia, as well as transmit Lyme disease.
The cats that suffer from tick and flea allergies, may need treatment with steroids or antihistamines. This is to get the inflammation under control.
Of all the common cat conditions, the health problems, tick and flea infestation is the most easy to prevent. You can keep your cat indoors, apply some tick and flea treatment regularly, was the cat’s bedding every week, and treat the carpets, furniture, and drapes with diatomaceous earth.
Skin Problems
Vets treat cat skin problems more than some other feline health conditions. In case you groom your cat in a regular basis, you will get to discover some skin problems, while they are still effortlessly treatable.
Hair loss and itching are the tip-offs to the most dermatological conditions. You might also notice redness, flakes, dry skin, pimples. Blisters, oily hair, foul skin odor, or scabs. In case your cat scratches, chews, or bites itself persistently, you need to look for some sources of the irritation and take some actions.
Final Say
Most of the cats may experience at least one of the aforementioned conditions in their whole lifetime. Incase you cat is in good health and still young, consider some health insurance. It’ll provide some peace of mind knowing that most of the vet expenses will be covered when you are seeking with treatment for these conditions.