What Should You Know About Nosebleed In Cats?


Let us imagine, that your cat sneezes –and not just sneeze, but with the appearance of blood in it. Certainly, this is a call for you to panic, isn’t it? Without a doubt, a cat nosebleed may a very scary circumstance for cat parents. Further, sometimes, the causes behind this nosebleed are so serious. However, sometimes, nosebleed in cats has a somewhat upfront and easily resolvable cause. Give this article a read and get to learn more about nose bleed in cats.

What is Nosebleed in Cats?

Epistaxis or the cat nose bleed, or nose bleed in general, is a condition, wherein a bloody r blood discharge happens from the nose. Nosebleed in cats may be an indication of a serious medical concern like organ failure or cancer. Furthermore, it is also typically due to respiratory infections or injuries or sinuses to the head or nose. The nosebleeds may affect only one or even both of the nostrils. This particular distinction may help in the diagnosis of the underlying cause of the issue.

Furthermore, nosebleed in cats may also happen in cats of whatever age, sex, or breed. There are also no clear risk factors, which may increase the risk of the pet experiencing the nosebleeds. If the cat happen to experience nosebleeds on a recurrent basis, or a nosebleed takes more time than the normal just to stop, you need to seek some medical attention quickly.

Cat Nosebleed: Causes

The nosebleeds are usually an indication of a disorder, disease, infection, or injury. It might also be due to toxicity or poisoning. On various occasions, the cause of it may be undeterminable. Further, it might also be an isolated case. The common causes of nosebleed in cats , as well as other companion animals may include the following:

  • Environmental factors
  • Allergens
  • Dental abscesses
  • Rocky mountain spotted fever
  • Von Willebrand’s disease
  • Certain medications
  • Anxiety
  • Toxins
  • Poisons, like rat poison
  • Certain cancer medications
  • Some cancer types
  • Nasal ulcerations
  • Anemia
  • Blood platelet issues
  • Blood clotting issues, like hemophilia
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Fungal infections
  • Parasites
  • Viral infections, like feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia virus
  • Bacterial infections
  • Foreign entity in sinus or nasal passage
  • Head injury or trauma
  • Nasal injury or trauma

Cat Nosebleed: Symptoms

The main symptom of the nosebleed in cat sis the bloody or blood discharge that comes from the nose. It may come from one or both of the nostrils. The cats that experience nosebleeds might exhibit a variation of symptoms that come with the primary cause of the nosebleed. Further, it is also probable that nosebleed is the lone symptoms that the animal experiences.

The more common symptoms of the condition include the following:

  • Lengthy bleeding from injection and wound sites
  • Back or dark feces
  • Confusion or dizziness
  • Unexplained bruising
  • Gum bleeding
  • Intolerance in exercising
  • Trouble in breathing
  • Bad breath
  • Rubbing or pawing at the nose or face
  • Facial swelling
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Nasal discharge
  • Sneezing
  • Snorting
  • Nose bleeding

Cat Nosebleed: Prognosis

Due to the larger number of conditions, which may cause the nosebleeds, the diagnosis of the main cause of the condition might need several diagnostic methods. You must prepare in discussing the cat’s behavior and medical history, as well as whatever symptoms you may have observed. If the pet has just recently been hurt, been around poisons or toxins, or exhibited some other symptoms, make sure to tell your vet. A full physical exam may be conducted. This is with a special focus on the ocular, nasal, and facial abnormalities. The vet staff might also take some urine and blood samples, as well as perform a nasal swabbing test.

Urine, blood, and nasal samples, might be cultured for fungus and bacteria. Supplementary al blood testing may include a complete blood cell count, electrolyte panel, clotting test, as well as serum biochemistry. Further, a urinalysis may also be completed. In case the cause of not that easy to diagnose with the use of these methods, the diagnostic imaging techniques might be used. The x-rays, as well as some other imaging techniques allow the vet staff to look at the surrounding structures and nasal passages. Particular cases might also require rhinoscopy that involves the examination of the nasal cavities with small equipment known as the endoscope. Moreover, a tissue biopsy may be needed as well.

Cat Nosebleed: Treatments

The treatments for the nosebleed in cats may depend on the primary cause. The treatments may range from simple measures to stopping the nosebleed to various prescription medicines or more invasive ways like blood transfusion or surgery. In case the pet happen to experience nosebleed at home, never attempt to give some medication, unless it is advisable to do so. You need to ask your vet about what to do, as this may cause some serious problems. Here are some of the most common treatments for cat nosebleed:

  • Icing and pressure
  • Antibiotics and some other medications
  • IV or intravenous fluids
  • Anxiety medications
  • Blood pressure medications
  • Surgical operation
  • Blood transfusion



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