What Should You Know About Heart Blood Clot In Cats?


Aortic thromboembolism is greatly painful for cats, so you’ll most probably hear shrieking and notice the feline has lost control of its legs. The symptoms may start suddenly and may take you and your cat by a huge surprise, yet you should be ready in acting quickly. If you spot whatever any of the symptoms, take the cat to the vet immediately. In this article, we will discuss some more interesting facts about heart blood clot in cats, including causes, symptoms, prognosis, and treatments. Read on to learn more about these!

What is a Heart Blood Clot in Cats?

The aortic thromboembolism is a typical heart condition that results from blood clot displacing in the aorta, which lead through the interruption of the blood flow to the tissues served through that section of the aorta. Hence, difficulties arising into the aorta may be so serious.

Moreover, heart blood clot in cats or aortic thromboembolism is more common in cats, rather than in dogs. This is thought to be hereditary naturally. And even though mixed cat breeds are most typically affected with this kind of condition, the Birman, Abyssinian, and Ragdoll are all well-known to suffer as well from aortic thromboembolism. Additionally, male cats are twice as probable to experience this kind of heart condition rather than in female cats.

Aortic thromboembolism is also called saddle thrombus, happens when a blood clot cuts the blood supply off to the hind legs of the cat, leaving its two back limbs paralyzed. Further, this condition is commonly a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or a complication of heart malady, even though other health illnesses might contribute to it too.


The heart blood clot in cats may happen when a blood clot in the heart may break free and starts to travel downstream, where it starts to become lodged at aorta’s base. This blockage may prevent the blood from travelling through the hind legs, hence the cat may instantaneously start to experience pain.

Moreover, clots may form in cats, which are already suffering from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or heart disease that is an enflamed heart. Some other conditions, like lung cancer and hyperthyroidism, might also contribute to the formation of blood clot. Cats, which have any pre-existing health conditions, are at risk to suffering from this condition.


The symptoms of heart blood clot in cats may come on so suddenly with or without warning. As soon as you spot the following symptoms, it is imperative that you bring the cat to a vet straightaway for an emergency treatment. some of the most common symptoms of heart blood clot in cats include:

  • Cold back legs
  • Heavy panting
  • Whining
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Inability in moving the back legs


Take the cat to the vet when you spot the aforementioned symptoms of the condition. You can tell the veterinarian what the symptoms you’ve seen are, as well as if the cat has whatever pre-existing health issues, which might contribute to the formation of blood clot.

Brown Tabby Maine Coon cat who is feeling sick ill tired cold or could be dying is hiding in between 2 layers of duvet on the bed.

The veterinarian might be able to make a prognosis based mainly on the behavior of the cat, as well as the condition of the cat’s back legs. Nonetheless, some tests may be run in confirming the prognosis. First, a CBC and biochemistry profile may be done. The tests may give the veterinarian a better picture of how organs are properly functioning, as well as whether bacterial infections r anemia might be a factor.

Due to the fact that heart blood clot mostly occur as a result of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or heart disease, the vet might want to conduct some tests on the heart of a cat. An ECG, which is a heart ultrasound, might be done in determining whether the cat has either any of the conditions, while chest x-rays is utilized in looking at the general health and size of heart. veterinarians might suggest a Doppler ultrasound too, in order to confirm there’s no blood to flow into the legs.

Treatments for Heart Blood Clot in Cats

Surgery might need to be done instantly in removing any existing blood clot and may allow the blood in flowing through the hind legs, nonetheless, this is commonly prefer to treating the condition with the medication for clot buster and blood thinners, in order to prevent any further clots.

The cat may most probably receive IV fluids in order to prevent dehydration and assist the cat in recovering from its initial shock. When the cat’s painting heavily or have some struggles in breathing, the veterinarian might place an oxygen mask on it to assist the cat in calming down and regaining its strength.

Due to the fact that blood clots are so painful for cats, a veterinarian might administer robust pain medication in keeping the cat comfortable. Veterinarians might ask to keep the cat for about 48 hours in administering medication and monitor closely its condition.


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