Lipomas or fatty skin tumors in cats are soft tumors or masses, which lie underneath the skin’s surface. They are commonly tangible, with restricted mobility under the skin. Further, the overlying skin is commonly not affected by it. Over a period of time, they may grow larger and may impede the movement in case they are situated in between the legs or low in the chest. Furthermore, it is important to identify that additional tumors don’t significantly indicate metastasis or malignancy. Due to the fact that some other masses might appear the same to lipomas, it’s recommendable that each mass should be checked. Read on to this article to learn more about this feline condition.
Fatty Skin Tumors in Cats: What is this feline condition?

When a cat has bump or lump on its body, it must not be ignored. The vet diagnosis may be essential in determining benign fatty skin tumors in cats from any other similar tumors, which might be cancerous and probable to metastasize. Furthermore, the early prognosis and treatment of cancer is important in increasing the probability of a positive result. In case of undiagnosed tumors, it is always better that you’ll be safe than to be sorry.
Moreover, fatty skin tumors in cats or lipomas, are lumpy, soft masses, which move quite easily under the skin’s surface. These benign tumors are comparatively harmless and has the tendency to grow in a slow manner. Additionally, a more concerning variety of the condition called infiltrative lipomas, happens when the tumors tend to grow in the surrounding muscles, collage, cartilage, or blood vessels.
Causes of Cat Fatty Skin Tumors
The existence of the fatty skin tumors in cats hasn’t been associated to any certain cause and is actually thought to be a result of the natural process of aging. Moreover, the condition is quite rare in cats, and is most probable to happen in the Siamese males, which have been neutered. Further, it’s also been determined that the obesity isn’t connected with a certain increase in the likelihood of the fatty tumors development.
Symptoms of Cat Fatty Skin Tumors
The main symptom of the fatty skin tumors in cats is the existence of a mass that’s directly underneath the skin, which is distinct and very soft to touch. Further, the masses tend to be oval or round shape. They’re most typically present on the abdominal area, chest, or in the undercarriage of the cat. However, they might appear on whatever part of the body, in some instances, the muscle swelling near the area might also take place.
Prognosis of Cat Fatty Skin Tumors

Preceding an examination, the vet may review the complete medical history of the cat, as well as obtain necessary details about the onset of the different symptoms, whether the mass has already changed in shape and size, as well as whether the cat is showing symptoms of discomfort. A thorough physical examination may be performed and it’s probable that a sequence of standard diagnostic tests may be ordered in ruling out the presence of some other medical illnesses. The common examinations may include CBC, urinalysis, thyroid test, and electrolyte test. Additionally, an antibody tests might also be performed in checking for the presence of infectious disease, and in some instances, EKG may be ordered in ruling out the underlying heart maladies.
Moreover, all lumps may likely to be enunciated using a fine needle, in order to extract tissue samples for the lab testing. Further, the test is slightly hostile and the sedation isn’t likely to be necessary. In some instances, a biopsy may be done under general anesthesia. The purpose of which is to determine conclusively, whether the tumor is malignant or benign. Additionally, an MRI or CT scan might be necessary in clearly visualizing the mass, as well as determine the degree to which it’s extended to nearby tissue. This may be beneficial in developing a thorough surgical plan.
Treatment for Cat Fatty Skin Tumors
In case the mass has already been diagnosed definitively as benign lipoma, and it isn’t restricting the movement or is causing any discomfort, the vet is likely to recommend in just leaving it all alone. In the event that it is tremendously large or is situated on an area like the lower chest or in between the legs, it may affect the ability of the cat in moving freely or reduce the overall life quality. In this instance, surgical procedure in removing the tumor might be necessary. In addition, the small masses. Which haven’t been infiltrated in some other areas are comparatively easy to remove and the diagnosis is precisely positive.
Moreover, the removal of the infiltrative fatty skin tumors in cats might be much more complex. In case the mass has already spread in the surrounding healthy fat or some other tissues. It might be hard to define the external borders. Further, a larger area, commonly, should be removed and the struggle of completing the removal of the tumor is what make it more probable that the condition may persist. In some instances, radiation therapy may be suggested aside from surgery, in order to help in improving the chances of success.