The Necessary Facts To Know About Chocolate Poisoning In Cats


Chocolates are very tasty treats for people –but not for cats. Even though they are not normally as curious about human foods as the dogs are, the cat may sometimes eat things they are not supposed to eat, including chocolates. However, certain properties in the chocolate may be toxic to cats when they are consumed, specifically, theobromine and caffeine. Eating these said ingredients may lead to many medical complications. Some of these complications might be serious to the cat. Get to learn more about chocolate poisoning in cats, read on to this article!

Chocolate Poisoning in Cats: What is this?

There are particular chemicals present in the chocolates, which may cause a condition known as toxicosis. Further, these chemicals, as what we have said earlier, are theobromine or caffeine. The chocolate poisoning in cats may lead to issues like vomiting, seizures, pancreatitis, and even death. The baking chocolate and dark chocolate are so toxic to pets, yet you must keep all kinds of chocolate away from your feline friend.

Moreover, chocolate poisoning in cats happens when a cat consumes a huge amount of chocolate. The toxicity level is commonly mild to austere in dogs and cats, as well as the toxicity varies on the type and amount of chocolate that they consume. A high level of toxicity may lead to physical illnesses, hyperactivity, as well as death.

Causes of Cat Chocolate Poisoning

The ingestion is actually the major cause of chocolate poisoning in cats. The cat might suffer from chocolate poisoning after it consumes the following items:

  • Candy wrappers
  • Cocoa bean mulch
  • Chocolate flavored multi-vitamins
  • Chocolate covered coffee beans
  • Baked chocolate goods
  • Milk chocolate
  • Baking chocolate
  • Dark chocolate

Further, make sure to keep any vitamins, items, or food containing chocolate or cocoa beans away from the cat. It is so important to take the cat to the vet promptly after the consumption of chocolate.

Symptoms of Cat Chocolate Poisoning

The consumption of a small or large quantity of chocolate may cause a reaction in the cats. You might notice the cat showing symptoms of chocolate poisoning within one hour of the ingestion. The different symptoms of chocolate poisoning in cats commonly include the symptoms below:

  • Death
  • Collapse
  • Seizures
  • Hyperthermia
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Abnormal heart rhythms
  • Hypertension
  • Muscle tremors
  • Lethargy
  • Frequent urination
  • Vomiting
  • Panting
  • Hyperactivity

Prognosis of Cat Chocolate Poisoning

The very first way of figuring out if the cat has consumed chocolate is to check for candy wrappers, empty trays, chocolate on their fur, and chocolate-smelling breath. You might also catch the cat consuming the chocolate. It is so important to contact your vet immediately with the weight of the cat, as well as the amount of chocolate that it has consumed. Furthermore, you must also figure out if the chocolate contained some other ingredients, which are possibly toxic to cats, just like macadamia nuts and raisins. Let the vet know in case the cat has ingested chocolate with these said ingredients.

Your vet appointment may begin with a thorough physical examination of the cat. You may help the vet in the prognosis by bringing a sample of the cat’s vomit to the appointment. The vet may also diagnose the cat by checking for some alkaloids in the blood serum, urine, and stomach contents. Theobromine and caffeine are commonly found in the stomach and blood contents of the cat. Furthermore, the vet may detect all of these chemicals by giving blood tests. Further, the vet may also perform an ECG. This is to check for any elevated levels of heart rate or if there is an abnormal heart rhythm.

Treatments for Cat Chocolate Poisoning

The type of treatments for chocolate poisoning in cats varies on the size of the cat, as well as how much chocolate they actually have consumed. The cat might receive the treatments for chocolate poisoning below:

  • Hospitalization. There’s always a chance that the cat may need to be hospitalized for a few days. During the stay, the cat may receive intravenous fluids to help in removing chemicals from the body.
  • Ventilator. A ventilator might be essential in stabilizing the respiratory activity of the cat. The cat may be anesthetized during this treatment.
  • Medication. The vet might give the cat medications that will control the muscle tremors, as well as seizures due to chocolate poisoning in cats. Furthermore, the cat might also need medication in regulating respiratory and heart activity.
  • Activated charcoal. The cat might be given activated charcoal for the prevention of the absorption of chocolates in the stomach and the upper intestines. The activated charcoal is actually a liquid, which is given to the cat via the mouth.
  • Induce vomiting. The vet might encourage vomiting if the cat has really ingested the chocolate in the last two hours. This is mainly done through the removal of the particles, which are still in the stomach.


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