Muscle Tear In Cats: What Should You Know About It?


Normal activity may cause some kind of disruption in a muscle. A normal muscle may be injured, pinched, or stretched directly, which results to the fiber weakening, disruption, and delayed or immediate separation of unharmed portions.  On the other hand, the muscle structure might be conceded by iatrogenic or systemic conditions. Further, the rupture might be incomplete or complete and might be in the mid of the muscle at the muscle tendon seam. In this article, we will discuss some more interesting facts about muscle tear in cats including causes, symptoms, prognosis, and treatments. Read on to learn about these and more!

What is Muscle Tear in Cats?

If a cat is moving slowly, limping, calling out in pain, having a hard time getting up or down, it might have injured its own soft muscular tissue. You need to make an appointment with the vet as quickly as possible. In austere cases, visit an emergency vet clinic, as the cat might in in weighty amount of pain and the vet might attempt in ruling out more somber injuries like wounds or broken bones, which may become infected.

Additionally, a muscle tear in cats, frequently known as strained muscle, may take place in a cat when the feline moves so quickly, in a very obdurate way, or efforts to make a movement, which is very strenuous for the strength of that certain animal. If this happens, the muscle might sustain a multiple small tears or small tear in muscle fibers. This kind of injury might range from faintly uncomfortable for the cat to tremendously debilitating and painful contingent on the austerity of the damage, as well as the length of time in the midst of the injury and if you seek treatment for the cat at a vet clinic or hospital.


Cats has the tendency to be so athletic animals that may cause injuries to be so common in felines. There are different ways that these injuries happen in cats, just like there are in some other animals, as well as in humans. Additionally, the muscles might weaken as the cat ages, making the cat more vulnerable to soft tissue damages.

The actions below, when they slightly go wrong, may cause the onset of a muscle tear.

  • Dull injury like being bumped, pushed, kicked, or hit
  • Fleeting from another loud noise or animal
  • Fighting with some other animals or cats
  • Landing after a jump, specifically from a substantial heights
  • Rough or energetic play


The symptoms of muscle tear in cats are of the same symptoms in any other animal that has muscle injury, including us, humans. Due to the fact that cats can’t communicate the pain to you in the similar way you might communicate it to the doctors, you might need to be so intentional on noticing, as well as on acting on whatever changes you see in the behavior of the cat, which may serve as an indication that the cat has harmed itself.

The symptoms below frequently escort a muscle tear in cats:

  • Painful vocalization at the same time of the injury or when the cat tries to move
  • Swelling
  • Muscle spasms
  • Inability to jump or run
  • Difficulty in getting up and lying down
  • Refusal to putting any weight on one or more of its limbs
  • Difficulty in positioning for grooming –this might cause fur matting
  • Unwillingness to be picked up or petted
  • Abnormal hiding or withdrawing
  • Restlessness or difficulty in getting comfortable
  • Limping


As is common throughout any visit to the vet, the veterinarian may likely to start the visit by way of asking you to tell the symptoms you’ve observed and through a complete physical examination of the cat. To be able to make a proper prognosis or diagnosis, the veterinarian might also do the following:

Muscle Tear in cats
  • Discern the movements of the cat
  • Search for any wound or the legs or paws of the cat
  • Use the hands of the cat to put a light pressure on its muscle, in order to find where the feline is hurt
  • Feel for any arthritic swelling on the joints
  • Prescribe 7 days of rest, in order to see if an injury heals itself, if not, this assists the veterinarian in diagnosing the injury, as perchance, something more severe
  • Suggest x-rays, in order to rile out any broken bones, muscle tremors, arthritis, joint dislocation, and torn ligaments
  • Suggest a wide-ranging orthopedic examination that’ll be conducted while the cat is under general anesthesia.

Treatment for Muscle Tear in Cats

The muscle tear in cats are so common kind of injuries. The treatment for muscle tears are commonly so simple and mirror treatments for us humans with the similar injury, even though with medications intended particularly for cats. These treatments include:

  • Pain medication
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs via injection or pill
  • Rest

If there is no recurrence of the injury, most of the muscle tears may heal in just a week or two, especially with the aforementioned treatments for the condition.


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