Important Facts About Pyuria In Cats That You Need To Know


Pyuria in cats is a medical condition, which may be in association with any pathologic process, which causes death or injury to a cat. What leads to these is the tissue damage that provokes the oozing inflammation. Moreover, pyuria is often characterized by the evidence of increased red and white blood cells, as well as protein in the urine. The huge numbers of white blood cells in the emptied urine samples may be an indication of an active inflammation somewhere along the urogenital tract. Read on to this article to learn more about this feline condition.

Pyuria in Cats: What is this feline condition?

Pus in the urine, or pyuria in cats, isn’t an illness in itself, yet a clinical symptom of existent health conditions, rather. Moreover, pus in the urine is due to an infection of fungus, bacteria, or yeast located somewhere in the lower or upper urinary tract system of the cat. Further, the pus itself is a mixture of proteins and white blood cells sent from the cat’s immune system, in order to fight off the bacterial infection. In addition, the existence of the pus in the urine is due to an infectious or noninfectious pathological processes, which causes inflammation, cell damage, as well as an increased immune response. Further, the pus in the urine or pyuria in cats is an indication that a cat is suffering from an austere infection, which may just be diagnosed by a professional vet.

If you happen to notice that the cat’s urine has a strong smell and appears cloudy, it might have a pus in its urine. Moreover, the changes in the urine might be the lone symptom a cat owner may notice, as pyuria in cats isn’t an illness or disease, yet an indication of a much larger condition impending. Additionally, a cat, which has pus in its urine is a sign of an infection, as pus is a strangely large buildup of white blood cells. The immunity only releases extra white blood cells when an infection is detected. Common causes of pus in the urine in cats could be a bladder infection, kidney infection, or infection of the reproductive organs.

Causes of Cat Pyuria


  • Tumor
  • Stones in the ureter, as well as
  • Ureteritis or the inflammation of the ureter


  • Immune-mediated
  • Trauma
  • Tumor
  • Kidney stones, as well as
  • Inflammation of the branches, renal area, or recesses of the pelvis of the kidney, as well as the pelvis, particularly because of the local fungal, bacterial, or parasitic, infection


  • Foreign body
  • Trauma
  • Tumor
  • Urethrolith or the stones in the urethra, as well as
  • Urethritis or the inflammation of the urethra

Urinary Bladder

  • Drugs
  • Urethral obstruction
  • Trauma
  • Tumor
  • Urocystolith or the stones in the bladder or kidney, as well as
  • Cystitis or the inflammation of the bladder

Penis or Prepuce

  • Foreign body
  • Tumor, as well as
  • Inflammation of the glans penis and overlying prepuce


  • Tumor, as well as
  • Prostatitis or abscesses


  • Trauma
  • Foreign body
  • Tumor, as well as
  • Vaginitis or the inflammation of the vagina


  • Buildup of infected material in the uterine cavity

Risk Factors

  • Any condition process, therapy, or dietary factor, which predisposes a cat to the formation of metabolic stones
  • Any condition process, diagnostic process, or therapy, which alters the normal urinary tract defenses, as well as inclines a cat to infection

Symptoms of Cat Pyuria

Pyuria in cats is an indication of a condition in itself and may be eminent through the urine with a sturdy, or foul small combined with a cloudy appearance. Further, the symptoms, which often go with pyuria have to do with the main cat health condition.

Common symptoms seen in cats with pus in the urine can include: 

  • Dehydration
  • Depression
  • Fever
  • Local Effects of Inflammation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of function
  • Pain
  • Pustulent discharge
  • Redness of mucosal surfaces
  • Systemic Effects of Inflammation, as well as
  • Tissue swelling

Prognosis of Cat Pyuria

As pus in the urine or pyuria in cats is a sign of a condition and isn’t a diagnostic condition, the vet may find pyuria in his diagnostic measures. Further, the exam of urine, or a urinalysis, is the more common process in which a vet might detect pyuria. Upon the examination of the urine, the vet might note the existence of white blood cells to be of a much higher concentration as well as a urine culture might be requested. Additionally, a urine culture is a lab test, which will allow the particles of the infectious material to nurture to detect what kind of material is really attacking the urinary system of the cat.

Treatment for Cat Pyuria

The treatment of pyuria in cats is depending on the condition the vet found during the diagnostics. Additionally, the administration of oral antibiotics is a typical treatment method that’s used in the presence of the pus in the cat’s urine. Moreover, the cytology exam, which pinpointed what strain of bacteria is causing the condition may determine the type of the antibiotic the veterinarian will prescribe. Further, intravenous fluids might also be given to the cat, in order to reverse dehydration, as well as encourage urination to eliminate the infection further from the cat’s body.


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