Glomerulonephritis In Cats: What Should You Know About It?


Glomerulonephritis actually a term used to refers to the ensuing dysfunction and the inflammation of the glomeruli. This is the small capillaries mass in the kidney, which filters the waste products that are from the blood, as well as into the urine, so that they may be secreted out of the body. The most common among all the causes of Glomerulonephritis in cats is the entrapment and deposition of the antigen antibody complexes in the glomeruli. Give this article a read and get to learn more about this feline condition.

Glomerulonephritis in Cats: What is this feline condition?

The Glomerulonephritis in cats is actually a serious medical condition, which needs a prompt vet care to prevent any further kidney damage, as well as complications from happening. Moreover, the disease may happen most often in the older cats –and affects male cats more often than not.

Furthermore, this feline condition is also a kind of kidney disease, which happens when the glomeruli in kidneys start to get dysfunctional and inflamed. As what we have said above, the glomeruli are the small capillaries in the kidney, which may act as filters for the different waste products that reside in the bloodstream. In the event that the waste products are not able to get filtered, they may buildup into the bloodstream. In the event that the waste products are not able to get filtered, they tend to buildup in the bloodstream, thus causing illness and more kidney damage.

Causes of Cat Glomerulonephritis

A variety of chronic illnesses may cause the Glomerulonephritis in cats to happen. Additionally, in the event that the initial cause is not known exactly, the cause is actually considered as idiopathic. Some of the possible issues, which may cause Glomerulonephritis in cats include the following:

  • Chronically inflamed ski
  • Endocarditis
  • Long-term use of medications, which may harm the kidneys
  • Pyometra
  • Feline immunodeficiency virus
  • Feline infectious peritonitis
  • Neoplasia
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Feline leukemia virus
  • Chronic periodontal
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Cancer inflammation
  • Heart worm infection

Symptoms of Cat Glomerulonephritis

The symptoms of Glomerulonephritis in cats may actually vary depending on the cause of the glomeruli in becoming damaged and inflamed. These include the following:

  • Sudden blindness if the blood pressure level rises very high
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Frequent panting
  • Difficulties in breathing
  • Abdominal pain
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Increased urination
  • Increased thirst
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Protein in the urine found out in the routine analysis
  • Blood in the urine

Prognosis of Cat Glomerulonephritis

The vet may need to know the complete medical history of the cat, this includes a thorough list of the different symptoms, as well as when the signs first started. Further, due to the fact that glomerulonephritis often does not show any austere symptoms up until about 75% of the glomeruli are already damaged, the condition is often seen during the routine examinations.

Moreover, the vet may also do a CBC, urinalysis and biochemical profile. The CBC might show different signs of anemia or the high count of white blood cells from an infection. On the other hand, the biochemical profile might have great levels of blood protein albumin and the urinalysis may have protein in it –this is commonly not existent in the urine that’s made by the healthy kidneys. Further, the urinalysis might contain proteins known as hyaline casts as well. This indicates impairment to the cat’s kidney tubules.

In the event that the first tests indicate, which the cat might have glomerulonephritis, more certain lab tests may be conducted, in order to confirm the prognosis. Additionally, a  creatinine clearance exam may help in comparing the number of a waste product known as creatinine in the blood as well as urine. Further, excessive amount of which in the bloodstream is a sign of a kidney disease.

The vet might use x-rays and ultrasounds, in order to view the kidneys, as well as the surrounding abdominal organs. Further, these tests are beneficial in observing the kidneys’ size, whatever tumors which might be causing the issues, and other illnesses. Additionally, kidney biopsy may be essential for the vet in identifying the certain renal disease, which is distressing the kidneys, as well as to rule out some other causes of the condition.

Treatments for Cat Glomerulonephritis

The successful treatment of glomerulonephritis in cats varies on treating the causal condition, which has caused the inflammation, as well as the glomerular harm to happen. 

Specialized Diet                                                 

Since sodium and protein in the diet plan may put extra strain on the cat’s kidneys, the vet may suggest that the cat will be placed on a low-sodium and low-protein diet. Additionally, having a diet plan that’s low in sodium and protein may help in reducing the load that’s placed on the cat’s kidneys while the main condition, which triggered glomerulonephritis is cured.


Any tumors, which are causing the glomerulonephritis might be needed to be eradicated. Moreover, the vet may determine the most suitable way in performing the surgery. Further, surgery is commonly done in vet hospital under overall anesthesia.

Medication Immunosuppressive medications might be prescribed on the cat to subdue the response of the immune system, thus preventing extra glomeruli from getting damaged and inflamed.


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