Do cats really snore? If they do, is snoring in cats normal? Is this something that you need to worry about? A short answer could be, yes, there are some cats that actually snore. For some, nothing is wide of the mark. Nonetheless, there are some instances that cat snoring may also be an indication of something wrong. Give this article a read and get to learn more about cat snoring.
Is snoring in cats normal?

Cat snoring happens when the passages on the upper airways –back of the mouth, the nose, or the throat, vibrate loudly during breathing. The resulting snoring and the vibrations are most probable to happen when the tissues on the upper airways are being relaxed during the sleep.
Moreover, snoring in cats is less common than it is in the dogs. This is what may leave the cat owners to wonder if there really is a major issue with the cat companions. While snoring might be an indication of a much larger health issue, a cat that snores doesn’t necessarily have a medical condition.
Persian cats, as well as some other brachycephalic, flat-faced, or short-nosed cat breeds are the common culprits of the cat snoring in the cat world. As the humans have already bred them to have dumpier noses, the tissues on the upper airways have already become abnormally convoluted. When the air moves into the tortuous, snoring and vibration are common to happen. In some extreme circumstances, audible breathing noises may even happen while awake. Even though snoring while being awake is naturally normal in Bulldogs, it isn’t as common in the case of the cats. This is a good thing, as snoring while awake may sometimes be in connection with the breathing difficulties.
When is snoring still a normal cat behaviour?
Just like us humans, cats have their own sleeping patterns or cycles too. If you happen to see them shuddering, displaying their running feet, or lurching their facial muscles, they are in REM phase or the rapid eye movement phase of their sleep. Moreover, cats may also have a much deeper sleeping phase, where they are fully relaxed. This is when you are more probable to hear them snoring.
If you happen to notice that your cat is snoring every now and then, it is perhaps nothing to worry about. The same way, if the cat always snores, and you do not notice some other signs of condition, it is more likely not in relation to medical conditions as well.
Here are some of the reasons why your cat may be snoring:
- The cat is of a brachycephalic cat breed. These breeds have much shorter nasal passage and extended palates. These make them cause noisy sleeping habits.
- The cat is overweight, thus putting so much pressure on the nasal passage and causing them to snore loudly.
- The cat might be sleeping in a strange position because it is the frequent position they do. This may cause a temporary snoring.
When is snoring in cats an indication of a health concern?
In some circumstances, snoring in cats may be an indication of a health issue. The most common and basic health concern, which leads to the fact accumulation on the tissues that surround the upper airways that may trigger the snoring. This particular phenomenon is somewhat common to people, as well as to cats and dogs.
The cats with upper respiratory infections may develop snoring too. The audible breathing happens due to mucus buildup or sinus congestion in the upper airways. The bacterial and viral infections are the most common, and these commonly are curable or self-limiting with the use of some medication. Nevertheless, fungal infections are also possible, and these have the potential to become more serious.
More spitefully, tumors or masses in the upper airways or sinuses may cause snoring in cats. Furthermore, cancers like adenocarcinoma, fibrosarcoma, and lymphoma may be culprits of cat snoring. Additionally, benign polyps may also happen.
How to determine when it is already a reason for concern?

There are some guidelines for the determining of the cat snoring as a medical condition or not. The light snoring, which happens during sleep, isn’t linked to any respiratory distress and that’s steady in nature –this is perhaps not a problem. Furthermore, the cat snoring, which happens together with the combination of respiratory distress can be a reason for concern and considered as a medical emergency.
If you have any doubts, the best option for you to take is to have the cat checked. Taking antibiotics may help in its speedy recovery from any upper respiratory infections. Furthermore, anaesthetic evaluation of the back of the throat may reveal the grass blade, which may be removed. In some circumstances, snoring, which even appears to define the character of a cat may and must be eliminated.
Above all, if your cat is happy, playful, has a great appetite, and its snoring is not anything new, you can try to not be so concerned about it. It might be just some kind of quirks of your cat. ideus