The 5 Best Cat Cafes For Cat Lovers!

best cat cafe

Cat cafes are popping up all over the world, but what are they all about?

As one might first expect, they are not like the average English pub where you can bring your own dog along and there will be a bowl of water at the ready.

Rather, a cat cafe will have resident cats living in and mingling with guests as you enjoy some cake and a coffee.

What is a cat cafe?

As you can imagine, most cats would not take kindly to being carted along to your local cat cafe and then being released in some manner among a bunch of other cats. I know this would be the last thing on my cat’s wish-list!

Most cat cafes will take certain measures to protect the happiness and well-being of their cats. 

  • no large groups and only letting a certain number of people in at a time
  • a rule that you cannot pick up the cats
  • not allowing children under a certain age into the cafe
  • take shows off at the door
  • don’t move a cat if it’s resting

Every cat cafe is run differently, so let us share a few with you so you can get a better idea as to what they’re all about!

Lady Dinah’s in London

cool cat cafe

Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium is a wonderful cat cafe in Shoreditch, London.

It is a real cat jungle in there with bridges, wall shelves, and all the rest. 

You need to make a booking to visit Dinah’s and they give up to 90-minute visits to the cafe. Make sure you go and enjoy the experience if you’re ever in London!

Cat Café Calico

It is estimated that there are over 100 cat cafes in Tokyo, and Cat Cafe Calico is one of the best!

They have over forty cats that you can mix and mingle with while finding ‘healing’. Their sessions are an hour-long, though you can pay to stay longer if you need!

The cafe had decided to shut down due to the havoc wrought to business by Coronavirus lockdowns, but successfully crowdfunded enough to re-open!

Thankfully we are still going to have this gem to visit whenever we’re in Tokyo.

KitTea in San Francisco

San Francisco is home to KitTea cat cafe.

This wonderful spot houses rescue cats that you can actually adopt. They come from local shelters. Go and play with the cats and take home the one that steals your heart!

Choose the KitTea experience and spend 50 minutes per session with these adorable cats!

Cat Café Melbourne in Melbourne

casual cat cafe

Cat Café Melbourne was the first cat café in Australia.

Based in a historic building, it’s another really nice cafe – even without the cats! 

This spot also has a ton of cat bridges, shelves, trees, and all the rest.

Come and spend an hour with these super friendly and sweet pussies.

Le Café des Chats in France

France is also home to many cat cafes, but the first was Le Café des Chats.

This beautiful spot is full of old antique furniture and, as you would imagine, has a far different feel to the more modern set-ups (like Melbourne, for example).

The cats seem to take on the feel of their environment, and these cats do seem to be even more chill and comfortable than most cats!

Best Cat Cafes

Those are 5 of the best cat cafes around the world.

Wherever you go, remember there are different booking requirements. When you get inside, each café has different etiquette as well, so read up a bit beforehand!

And if you like cat cafes, we’re sure you’ll love this cat art!


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