Ameba Infection in Cats: What Should You Know About It?


Amebiasis or ameba infection in cats is a parasitic kind of infection die to a one-celled organism called ameba. This organism can affect both cats and dogs. It is commonly found in tropical areas and may be seen in North America. Specifically, the Entamoeba histolytica is the ameba species that has the capacity to infect the cats. The infection may result in colitis, causing austere stubborn diarrhea. The appearance of blood in the stool might also be linked with the amebiasis. In this article, we will discuss more about ameba infection in felines or cats, including its causes, symptoms, prognosis, and treatments. Read on to learn more about these!

What is Ameba Infection in Cats?

The ameba infection aggravates the lining of the intestines of a cat, which lead to a huge deal of distress. Cats having an ameba infection may experience diarrhea, frequently with mucus or blood in the stools. Diarrhea may also rapidly dehydrate the cat and cause serious health complications. This is the reason why it is very important to act promptly and take the cat to the vet as soon as possible after seeing the symptoms of the condition.

Medically, the condition is known as amebiasis. There are so many different species of ameba, yet the one that may affect your cat is called the Entamoeba histolytica. Cats, which live in tropical localities or in the North America are mostly at risk of developing this particular serious condition. Cats might be infected with this particular parasite, after consuming contaminated water or food, though, symptoms might not start for another 2-4 weeks after the initial exposure.


Ameba infection in cats is due to Entamoeba histolytica, which is actually a kind of ameba. This particular species of ameba may affect all kinds of mammals, including us humans, dogs, and cat. A cat might get infected with ameba infection after they drink water or eat food that’s been contaminated with whether mobile or cysts forms of the parasite.


From time to time, a cat may become infected with the Entamoeba histolytica and will stay unharmed. Nonetheless, some other cats might develop and infection and start to show the symptoms between 2 to 4 weeks after getting the first exposure to the parasite. Some symptoms of the condition that might be noticeable in the affected cats, include the following:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Appearance of mucus in diarrhea
  • Appearance of blood in diarrhea
  • Over a period, cats might have the urge in defecating but will find it difficult to pass the feces


If you start to notice any of the aforementioned symptoms in a cat, you’ll need to take the cat to the nearest net as soon as possible. You may need to discuss the symptoms you have observed and when they first start to show to the vet. The veterinarian may need to know the medical history of the cat, as well as whether you’ve made any alteration to the cat’s diet.

Basic examinations including a CBC or complete blood count, blood chemistry profile, and urinalysis may be taken, in order to check the overall health status of the cat. Because the cat possesses a lot of fluid all over its bowel movements, the said tests may tell the vet as well whether the cat is dehydrated or not.

Erstwhile to bringing the cat in, the vet might ask that you go and collect a stool sample for them to test. If you aren’t able to do it, the stool sample may be taken to the clinic. This sample might be examined under a microscope so the veterinarian may look for indication of parasite. Nonetheless, not each stool sample may contain noticeable parasites. It is possible that the vet may need to take various stool samples on the next days to confirm the prognosis.

Treatments for Ameba Infection in Cats

Once the diagnosis has already been confirmed, the veterinarian may administer a medication that is designed in getting rid of the parasite from the system of the cat. Most common kinds of medication administered to cats with this type of ameba infection are furazolidone or metronidazole. In case the cat is still having diarrhea, the veterinarian may give a medication that’s designed to prevent or slow down the bowel movement.

Cats, which have ameba infection are frequently austerely dehydrated due to diarrhea. If the cat is in this kind of situation, the veterinarian might need to give IV fluids, in order to assist it in regaining its strength. Moreover, the vet might also need to keep the cat overnight in keeping an eye on its electrolyte inequities and make sure it is in a stable situation prior to the releasing it to you.

Make sure to follow all the directions of the vet and administer all the medications instructed. As the cat recovers, keep it as comfortable as possible. Bring its food and water bowls to it so that it does not need to move so far. Also, keep away other animals from it so that it might not get infected from the cat at all times.


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