You might be well aware that the cat’s breath actually smells like a cat food. However, are you really familiar with what is going on with its own teeth? In the actual fact, the inside of the mouth of the cat is a mystery to a lot of pet owners, yet keeping in touch on your cat’s dental condition is the key for the maintenance of its overall health, as well as wellness. When it comes to the health matters, the greatest defense is actually a good offense. Read on to this article and get to learn more essential facts about cat teeth and more!
Essential Facts About Cat Teeth You Need To Know
Here are some of the most important facts about cat teeth that you should know:
Regular dental visit and tooth brushing may protect the cat’s dental health.

There are some benefits of daily tooth brushing in cats. Just like in people, it helps in the prevention of the buildup of bacteria, which may cause a lot of dental issues. Furthermore, cat owners must always ask to perform an oral examination during the annual wellness appointments.
Furthermore, pet owners who are seeking for some dental care for their cats must search for vets actively. These vets must have all the essential equipment in diagnosing the dental issues at hand. Additionally, it is also imperative that you pay your vet a visit –a vet that uses dental X-rays in diagnosing and performing dental treatments. Further, vets need to know what is really going on underneath the gum line, in order to accurately plan some procedures.
Indoor cats are quite fine with having their teeth removed.
In case your cat is diagnosed with some dental issues, which need extraction, do not be so anxious. Cats may eat wet cat foods, without some or all their own teeth and may live a healthy and long life. Moreover, it is also important to have a pain-free and healthy mouth, rather than to have a mouth full of teeth.
Cats seldom show dental pain.
Cats are capable of hiding their pain. The most common among the symptoms in cats with dental problems is actually no symptoms at all. It is up to the pet owners and the vets to be at the top of the dental issues of the cat and to be proactive in looking for issues. Staying diligent may involve keeping an eye for red gums, drooling, and some changes in the eating habits of the cat’s breath. The oral health issues frequently have a discrete, awful smell.
Cats can have some other dental conditions.
Just like in humans, cats may develop periodontal disease, oral inflammation, and even oral cancer. They’re also susceptible to a condition known as tooth resorption. This is what happens when the structure sin one or more teeth are being destroyed and disappear eventually. This may be somewhat painful for cats. The tooth resorption may be hard to diagnose, as the symptoms may range from an actual hole on the tooth to a tiny red dot at the gum line. In case a vet diagnoses tooth resorption, they will extract the tooth.
Cats do not get cavities.

In reality, cats do not get any cavities in the sense that dogs o humans get cavities. This may also be referred to as caries. This occurs because of the shape of the cat’s teeth. Unlike in dogs and humans, cats don’t have any occlusal tables on their own molars. Therefore, they are not capable of developing real carious lesions. The bacteria that eats sugar, which may cause the caries may thrive onto the dicots and pits, usually available in the occlusal tables that are essential meant for the grinding of foods.
Different teeth have different functions.
One of the more common facts about cat teeth that you may know is this. The incisors of the teeth of the cat that are set in between the canines on the front part of the cat’s mouth, are not actually much beneficial when hunting. However, they are good for the grooming purposes.
Cat teeth are boosted for hunting.
The teeth of the cat that’s in shape of a crown reflect the function of a real carnivore. There are no certain teeth that is used in grinding. All of them are used in seizing prey and tearing and cutting flesh. In addition, the trench on the canine teeth’s labial surface has been referred to as the bleeding groove. This is an adaptation of the carnivore teeth. This thought to allow the prey to bleed all over the tooth.
Human and cat teeth have some similarities.
While the teeth of the cat is somewhat different to that of the humans’, both are actually diphyodont animals. This just means that we have two succeeding sets of teeth. Nonetheless, the dental timeline of a cat is somewhat more accelerated than that off in the humans.
If you happen to see any issue in your cat’s dental health, ask your vet for some proper advice.